Public notice is hereby given that the Council of the District of Lakeland No. 521 intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007 to amend Bylaw No. 9-2013, known as the District Official Community Plan for the North Central Lakelands Planning District.
The intent of the proposed amendment is:
• To restrict the subdivision of new lake-oriented residential lots and commercial accommodation at Christopher Lake, Anglin Lake, McPhee Lake, and North Emma Lake.
The reason for the proposed amendment is:
• To limit additional pressure on the developed lakes in the District of Lakeland. The development of new residential lots and commercial accommodation is already restricted at South and Middle Emma Lake. New residential lots at any developed lake will only be permitted at Council’s discretion where:
o Existing property lines are being re-arranged;
o The subdivision will convert an existing Trailer Court into lots that are at least 1,000 square metres in area; and
o The subdivision will separate two lots/parcels that are “tied” together in the Land Titles Registry and are separated by a physical barrier such as a registered road, creek, or registered drainage ditch on a registered right of way.
Any person may inspect the bylaw at the District Office, located at 48 1st Street South, in the Village of Christopher Lake, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM on Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays. Copies of the proposed bylaw are available at the District office at a cost of $5.00.
Council will hold a public hearing on October 11, 2023, at 10:00 AM in the Council Chambers at the District of Lakeland Office, located at 48 1st Street South in the Village of Christopher Lake to hear any person or group that wants to comment on the proposed bylaw. Council will also consider written comments received at the hearing or delivered to the undersigned at the District Office before the hearing.
Issued at the District of Lakeland this 30th day of September 2023.
Tracey McShannock, Chief Administrative Officer