Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.

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We are located in the heart of Saskatchewan lake country, serving the residents in and around Emma, Christopher, Anglin, and McPhee Lakes. The municipality is only 15 kilometers wide and 50 kilometers long, beginning at Christopher Lake and extending north to Timber Cove.

Recent Posts

Public Notice: Elk Ridge

Pursuant to The Municipalities Act, public notice is hereby given that the Organized Hamlet of Elk Ridge intends to become established as the Resort Village of Elk Ridge. A public meeting will be held on November 22, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. at the District of Lakeland Council...

October 2019 Update

Prior to the Council Meeting on October 15, a Committee of the Whole meeting was held with two agenda items: A presentation by Seth McNaughton and Brent Friedt regarding the property assessment process followed by Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA). An overview of...

September 2019 Update

The RCMP Community Engagement meeting held on August 30 was attended by approximately 100 people.  Both Prince Albert and Waskesiu detachments made presentations, followed by an update on the gang situation in the area and province.  This was an excellent opportunity to hear...

Rapid Damage Assessment Course Available

When disaster strikes, Rapid Damage Assessment is critical. Municipalities need trained personnel to assess structural and non-structural conditions for safety of the community and response agencies and to anticipate response and recovery phase needs.

Lakeshore Erosion

Erosion along shorelines can be caused by natural events (wind, water, and ice) or human activities. Although, human disturbances cause more rapid and far worse impacts to shorelines than natural events. According to a University of Michigan study, we cause 10 times more soil...

August 2019 Update

Thanks to everyone who came out to the 3rd Annual District Community BBQ.  It was a great afternoon at Neis Park, and thanks to those District Staff and Council who participated in hosting the event. A presentation was made to Cliff Letendre, who is retiring as the District’s...

July 2019 Update

The District Council and staff welcomes you to join us on Friday, July 26, from 4 – 6pm:  the 3rd annual District BBQ which will be held this year at Neis Park.  It’s a chance to gather beside beautiful Emma Lake with friends and neighbours; have a hot dog or hamburger; and kick off another summer weekend.

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