Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.

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We are located in the heart of Saskatchewan lake country, serving the residents in and around Emma, Christopher, Anglin, and McPhee Lakes. The municipality is only 15 kilometers wide and 50 kilometers long, beginning at Christopher Lake and extending north to Timber Cove.

Recent Posts

Saturday, August 29 – ELECTION DAY 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Interested in Running for Council? Thank you for thinking of running for your local municipal council. Saskatchewan municipalities need citizens like you to assume leadership roles to represent the people in your community or region, and to provide direction on the policies and programs that will lead to better quality services for communities.

May 2020 Update

The May 11th meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab.  The June 8 meeting will include a public hearing (conference call access) related to the rezoning amendments and business license bylaws for the retail sale of cannabis. As...

April 2020 Update

As of the April 20 meeting, the District will:
continue closure of the office to the public with staff responding to business requests through electronic means;
move the Emma Lake transfer station bins from the temporary location at the Shop back to the original site, with no charge for sorted disposal of materials;
monitor and adhere to provincial guidelines regarding social distancing for all staff, group gathering restrictions, and closure of public facilities such as washrooms, parks and playgrounds.

Special Council Update – Response to COVID-19

Council and the Administrator are in communication and meet as required regarding the COVID-19 situation.  We recognize that these are stressful times for our residents, staff and the population at large.  Provision of services within the municipality need to be balanced with overall health and safety.

District of Lakeland Election 2020

The District of Lakeland uses the election scheme for Resort Villages and our election will be Saturday, July 25th, 2020. ALL Councillors and the Reeve positions are up for election in 2020. You are eligible to vote if you are a Canadian Citizen, you are at least 18 years of age, and if you have either (i) resided in the District of Lakeland since April 25th 2020, or (ii)are the assessed person with respect to the property since April 25th 2020. (The spouse of the person mention in the above (i) and (ii) is also eligible to vote.)

Looking to Stay Out of the Office?

Update: Our office is currently CLOSED until further notice. Staff will be in the office during our regular hours, and we can still be contacted by phone at 306-982-2010 and by email to office@www.lakeland521.ca.

If your business with us cannot be conducted over the phone, by mail, or online, you can call our office to book an appointment.

March 2020 Update

As noted in previous updates, the meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab. Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email office@www.lakeland521.ca).  They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and by Council at our monthly meetings.  The next Council meeting is April 20, 2020, beginning at 9am.

EAC Report January 2020

Environmental Advisory Committee updates from the meeting on January 11th, 2020. Updates on the Emma Lake Nutrient Study, this year’s environmental pamphlets, Firesmart, and website updates.

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