Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.

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We are located in the heart of Saskatchewan lake country, serving the residents in and around Emma, Christopher, Anglin, and McPhee Lakes. The municipality is only 15 kilometers wide and 50 kilometers long, beginning at Christopher Lake and extending north to Timber Cove.

Recent Posts

September 2020 Update

The September 14, 2020 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab. As this was the First Meeting of the Council, all members of Council declared and signed their official Oath – Member of Office form and subscribed to the Code of...

Survey Extended to October 19th

In August, the District of Lakeland did a mailout for Lakeland residents of Emma, Christopher, and Anglin Lake. A survey looking for the interest (or lack thereof) for DSL Sasktel Internet. Due to a typo and miscommunication, ratepayer questions were not answered in full until...

Sasktel Questions

Council had a chance to have Kevin Spelay, Regulatory Affairs Manager, SaskTel attend it’s October 5, 2020 Committee Meeting by phone.  Kevin provided an overview of the proposals for Anglin Lake as well as the one for Christopher and Emma Lakes to bring a High Speed Internet Service via DSL dedicated line.  The following audio clips include an overview of the proposals and answers to the listed questions.  The FAQ will be updated in due course.

Sasktel Survey FAQ

How do I respond to the survey? Is the DSL service proposed to be the same for all 3 lakes? Is the community contribution the total cost or is SaskTel contributing to this infrastructure project? Is the DSL service dish-oriented? Is Bells Beach different from the rest of Christopher Lake and Emma in what is currently available for high speed?

Official Summary of Election Results

Councillors will be sworn in during the September 14th council meeting. Contact information for the new councillors will be updated under “Council Members” on September 14th, and our quarterly newsletter will be released with a bit of information about each councillor. You can sign up for our newsletter by scrolling down and filling out the form underneath council updates.

How to Vote!

Election is coming up fast! The Advanced Poll is this Saturday, August 22nd, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. It is made available to voters who: are physically disabled; have been appointed as election officials; or anticipate being unable to vote on the day of election. The day of...

August 2020 Update

The August 10 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab on the website. The District COVID measures are unchanged and will continue with: Limited opening of the office to the public in compliance with provincial guidelines around...

Notice of Poll

A poll is to be held for the election of the positions of:
Reeve: Head of the council and is elected by the entire municipality.
Councillor for Division 1: Includes Rural Christopher Lake, Bell’s Beach, Doran Park, Spruce Point, and Clearsand.
Councillor for Division 4:  Includes Guise Beach, McIntosh Point, Murray Point, and Okema Beach.
Voting will take place on Saturday, the 29th day of August, 2020, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Christopher Lake Legion Hall, 120 Main Street West, Christopher Lake, SK.

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