Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.2021 Newsletters
The District of Lakeland puts out a quarterly newsletter in March, June, September, and December. Additional newsletters are sent out from Lakeland District Protective Services. You can register for that newsletter here. 2021 - March Newsletter: Information on the...
2020 Newsletters
The quarter-annual newsletters from District of Lakeland, and the Special Newsletters released from DoL and LDPS. So far released: Spring Newsletter, April COVID-19 Newsletter.
2019 Newsletters
The quarter-annual newsletters from District of Lakeland and the LDPS Newsletter of 2019. Information on lake water quality and various signs of an unhealthy lake, a reminder about trading in old dock plates, and a reminder about bears. Clarification on who to call in various cases, and information on our parking and noise bylaws. Details on the fireban, fire safety tips and how to Firesmart your home, information on sorting waste. Introducing Waste and Recyclable Management bylaw, tips for recycling, how to Firesmart your home, and our Natural Edge program. Information on garbage bin inspections, new transfer station location, and the new PAD program.
2018 Newsletters
Four newsletters released in 2018. In response to the storm in July 2018, resources for how to handle damages and other emergency services. Clarification about garbage and recycling, preparing for winter, and lakeshore development. Community safety and crime prevention, as well as reminders about snowmobile laws, and how to report online. Snow removal and snow dumping practices, safety tips for winter hikers, and a reminder to pay those end-of-year taxes.
2017 and Older
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