The July 12, 2021 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under Council (Meeting Agendas). The Council member contact information is under Council Members.
- Ryan Danberg, made a request to address Council to discuss the application to establish a 100 spot campground at the Elk Ridge Resort property.
- Cam Smith met with Council to discuss his application to provide for staff accommodation by placing a recreational vehicle on the Sunnyside Market property. He also indicated that he would be seeking approval at a future date for 1 or 2 more units while the renovations to the living quarters portion of the building are being undertaken.
- Kris Lozinsky addressed Council to request a cancellation of fees related to a drainage order and a building inspection on his property.
- Alden Georget, met with Council to provide information regarding blue green algae, public health regulations for septic and outhouses, and programs for testing of beach sand.
Reports, Discussion and Actions
- Public Works provided an update on trees, beaches, roads, gravel and calcium, drainage, landfill and lagoon and equipment.
- Council discussed the Neis Road Project Public Meeting and asked that the engineers bring options for a narrower ditch and/or the additional of a walking path to the plans.
- Council discussed the progress of the conversion from individual carts to bear proof bins.
- Protective Services: June statistical report, provincial and inter-agency updates.
- Building / Development: June permit report was received.
- A request to construct a garage prior to the RTM being placed on site was approved.
- The application of Routes2SK Inc. to establish a 100 spot campground as a discretionary use at the Elk Resort Property was deferred pending notification to neighbouring property owners and a public hearing will be held at the August Council Meeting.
- The application of Cam and Dee Smith to establish a RV unit at the Sunnyside Market property as a discretionary use was deferred pending notification to neighbouring property owners and a public hearing will be held at the August Council Meeting.
- Council approved a policy whereby Council members are to contract the office to obtain any stationery supplies such as paper, folder and printer ink cartridges
- Administrator’s report included the Action / Motion item report; Ratepayer Concerns; Reports; and an update of other activities in the office.
Other matters of business
- Received communications: Marion Aquatics request for funding.
- Council determined that masks would be optional within the District Building.
Comments or concerns should be submitted through the Council office (306.982.2010 or email They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.