The February 9, 2022 meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab. The Council member contact information is under Council Members.
- Wayne Hyde attended the meeting to provide Council with an update and overview of the Water Quality Program. Data is showing that transparency in our lakes is decreasing which may be attributed to many different factors, such as lake age, wind, minimal precipitation, hot temperatures, development, lake usage, etc. Education is a key factor in protecting the health of our lakes. Many other lakes in the province are experiencing the same issues.
- Eric Durell attended the meeting virtually to provide Council with a brief overview of the North Saskatchewan River Basin Council and what services they offer to their membership.
- First reading was given to the following bylaws:
- Property Amenity and Standards Bylaw No.7-2022 being a bylaw to provide for the abatement of nuisances and the authority to deal with property amenities, standards, and conditions
- Municipal Fees Bylaw No. 8-2022 being a bylaw respecting the collection and establishment of fees for Municipal Services
- Environmental Stewardship Bylaw 9-2022 being a bylaw to implement better practices within a defined lake impact area to balance public safety, environmental stewardship and public enjoyment of activities affecting the foreshore, shoreland and lakes
Reports, Discussion and Actions:
- Building/Development monthly permit report was received.
- Public Works provided an update on trees, Beaches, Roads, Equipment, Gravel and Dust Control, Drainage, Transfer Station and Lagoons, and Equipment. Bear proof bin latches have been modified to remain open to prevent freezing. Transfer Station Gate Fees be reinstated effective April 1, 2022. Partner rates will be in effect, and non partner rates will remain double the partner rate. District Ratepayers will not be charged the gate fee, but will still be required to pay the convenience fee for appliances that contain freon.
- Protective Services provided their monthly report, provincial and inter-agency updates.
- Western Municipal Consulting Ltd has been engaged to provide municipal appeal services such as Development Appeals and Board of Revision Services.
Comments or concerns should be submitted through the District office (306.982.2010 or email They are reviewed by staff on a regular basis, and monthly by Council.