As of September 8th, 2018
Emma Lake Nutrient Study: Collection of summer data and bottom sampling went very well. There was no recreational boat use analysis this summer, this will be referred to 2019. There was some discussion on the merits of collecting historical lake level information.
Online survey regarding environmental attitudes: The online survey will be placed on hold for designation of a committee member to lead. A handout on the survey guide was distributed. There was general discussion that due to the volume of questions, the survey could be presented over a three-year time frame.
Recognized the contributions of resigning committee member, Terry Neefs.
Provincial Association of Resort Communities of Saskatchewan convention in Saskatoon on October 19 – 20, 2018: Representatives from the District of Lakeland will attend.
Zebra & Quagga Mussel Monitors: monitors will be removed for the 2018 season. There has been no evidence of mussels to date.
Wildfire Management Branch FireSmart Assessment: The District has received the results of the FireSmart assessment. District staff will prepare an action plan for review by Council in 2019.