EAC met on Saturday, May 27th, 2017 in Council Chambers.
Wayne Hyde reported that the North Saskatchewan River Basin Council did a mail out to lake front property owners on their shore line assessments, general program update and an access route to the web site for an online report.
The Invasive Mussel monitors and signage has been installed on all public docks in the District. These monitors will be checked monthly and information will be recorded and sent to the data base.
A Clean, Drain & Dry sign will be put up on the highway right away area of the Christopher Lake turnoff facing incoming area traffic.
A 4 -part informational insert on ATVS, Dark Sky Lighting, Invasive Zebra & Quagga Mussels and Friendly Fertilizers have been printed. Twenty-two hundred inserts will be mailed out to ratepayers at the end of June. The extra 200 copies will be put in businesses, campgrounds in the District and on our display table in the office.
Our Committee will be discussing the Environmental Management Plan and the terms of Reference for the Environmental Advisory Committee at our June 24th meeting.
Daryl Jessop provided his background knowledge of the Fire Smart Program, and indicated that he would be willing to assist Administration/Council if the program is implemented.
Cindy Hanson (Anglin Lake) is resigning from the Committee as of July 1st/17. Karee Davidson applied as a new member from Anglin Lake (see attached bio). Our Committee has agreed she will be an asset, and we are looking for Council’s approval for this new member.
Submitted by Karen Bosker (Chair)