EAC met on Saturday, July 14, 2018 . In attendance were Wayne Hyde, Karee Davidson, Daryl Jessop, Cheryl Bauer-Hyde, Keith Dahl and Karen Bosker.
Wayne Hyde reported that the nutrient study is progressing well. He is pleased with all the volunteer assistance he is receiving and the SK Polytechnic student (Kevin) is working out well. Good data is being collected. Kevin is making plots of depths and transparency data. Kevin is putting information on the Facebook page every week. (Emma Lake Environmental Stewardship Program)
Terry Neefs will continue to work on the online survey and will contact Committee for any extra help or input he may need.
Cheryl Bauer –Hyde will have an accurate financial statement for our September meeting.
The “No Wake” signs have been checked on Emma and Christopher. Two signs will be installed on Emma and Christopher Lake is still in need of one on the island.
Action Printing in Prince Albert designed and printed the pamphlets. We are pleased with the 2018 Environmental pamphlets and they have been mailed out to all ratepayers in the District. There are extra copies on the Environmental table in the foyer. Karee Davidson will head up the Environmental pamphlets for next year.
Our next meeting will be held in Council chambers on Saturday, September 8, 2018.
Submitted by Karen Bosker (Chair)