Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.Administration:
Lakeland District Protective Services:
Planning & Development:
Public Works:
Emergency Management:
- About Us
- Emergency Response Plan
- Emergency Measures Co-ordinator
- Emergency Planning For You
- 'Be Prepared' Links
- Upcoming Events
- Volunteer Application
General Policy & Information:
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Protective Services a police service?
Protective Services provides service to the municipality in primarily non-criminal code enforcement. Our priorities are set by the Protective Services Board that oversees the department. Part of the mandate of Protective Services is to work closely with RCMP detachments as well as other regulatory and law enforcement agencies. Other agencies we may work with include Provincial and Federal Conservation Officers, Office of the Fire Commissioner, Highway Traffic Officers, and Public Health Officers and RCMP.
When did this start?
Protective Services has evolved since starting service to the community in 2006. We have been providing service under our current model since 2009 when the first employee was sworn in as a Special Constable. Department staff are sworn peace officers pursuant to The Police Act, 1990. Those staff, Special Constables, are supported by professional dispatchers that provide provincial emergency communication and 911 services. Through municipal, provincial and federal designation our Constables are able to enforce a variety of law within Lakeland and Saskatchewan.
If I call in a complaint will my name be given out?
Your information is typically not released to anyone. All calls to Protective Services are handled professionally and are treated confidentially. The information you provide when calling is only known to the call taker, and the Protective Services Constables. Your information is not shared with other staff working for the municipality, the Council or the Protective Services Board. Please be aware that in some circumstances we will require you to provide a statement in order to investigate your concern. If your name or statement is required to be disclosed you will be informed of this in advance of it being released.
There are some circumstances that if you witness a violation taking place we may require you to provide a statement on what you witnessed. We will inform you that your statement may be released to the person committing the offence or to another organization should it be required to address the matter. Examples include if you witness a vehicle accident, you may be required to provide a statement as to what you have seen. The same process would be required if you are a witness to an animal at large, or see someone operating an ATV on the road and wish to report it. The Officer will explain to you what is required of you, and if we are to proceed with any actions against the person or persons committing a violation.
The only other time that any information will be given out is if we are required by law to release it. In all
What else can you tell me?
Protective Services is governed by a board appointed by Council. The duty of the board is to provide general direction, establish policies and identify priorities for Protective Services, and to ensure an effective and an efficient service is provided within the Protective Services framework. Council has designated the Protective Services Board to be the direct liaison to our policing agency, the RCMP. In
We want all persons living, visiting, or
What do I do if I am stopped by an officer?
If you are operating a vehicle and see the red lights, do not panic. Safely pull over to the right side of the road. Remain in your vehicle and wait until the officer approaches the vehicle. You and your passengers should remain seated in the vehicle
What duties are assigned to the officers?
The officer’s primary duties are to ensure public safety by protecting life and property while preserving the peace within the community. This is done through positive and proactive community engagement through a dynamic education, compliance and enforcement model. Specific duties assigned to the Department include;
- Property inspections related to building, sewage, zoning and development standards and requirements;
- Enforcement of all municipal bylaws;
- Providing enforcement of provincial and federal legislation including The Traffic Safety Act,
- Alcohol Gaming Regulation Act, Canada Shipping Act, and The Municipalities Act.
- Provide resources and information to the community in relation to rules, regulations and laws.
- Liaise with other regulatory and law enforcement agencies.
- Review and develop municipal bylaws.
- Other duties as may be assigned from the LDPS Board.