Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.Administration:
Lakeland District Protective Services:
Planning & Development:
Public Works:
Emergency Management:
- About Us
- Emergency Response Plan
- Emergency Measures Co-ordinator
- Emergency Planning For You
- 'Be Prepared' Links
- Upcoming Events
- Volunteer Application
General Policy & Information:
Emergency Management Organization (EMO)
The Emergency Measures Organization works to support the Lakeland & District Fire Department during emergency events that may require additional coordination or resources.
The District of Lakeland has an Emergency Response Plan to provide effective support and direction during an emergency. The District provides emergency preparedness training for individuals who are interested in assisting the District’s EMO team during emergency events.
The District has appointed an Emergency Measures Coordinator to maintain the plan and oversee Emergency Measures Awareness and Planning in the District. If you would like more information about our emergency measures organization or are interested in assisting this group, please contact the Emergency Measures Coordinator.
Emergency planning, preparedness and response encompass all levels of community and government.
Canadians are encouraged to plan for, and deal with, emergencies or incidents for at least the first 72 hours of an emergency; enabling first responders to focus on those in urgent need. Individuals and families are encouraged to have emergency resources on hand (a 72 hour kit) and communication plans developed.
When the emergency is too great for an individual to handle, the District steps in to help. This can include fire protection services or large scale response to the community.
The District of Lakeland has an Emergency Response Plan in place but when municipal resources and capability are overwhelmed, the province will provide the necessary resources to deal with the emergency.
When provincial resources are exceeded, the federal government may be called by the provincial government for help.
Emergency Measures Coordinator:
Cheryl Bauer-Hyde
Email: cbauerhyde@gmail.com