Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.Administration:
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General Policy & Information:
Pre-Authorized Debit Plan
PAD is a service that allows taxpayers to make equalized monthly payments for taxes as opposed to paying one lump sum payment. Payments are withdrawn on the 15th of each month. You do not have to reapply each year as the program is renewed automatically.
You can download the application by clicking here.
Before you apply, please confirm:
- You have a bank account with chequing privileges.
- Your tax account is current and NOT in arrears.
- You have a blank cheque marked VOID or a direct deposit form from your bank.
Return the signed application and banking information in person at our office or by:
- Our mail deposit box outside the front of our building.
- Regular mail to:
District of Lakeland
PO Box 27
Christopher Lake SK
S0J 0N0 - Fax to (306) 982-2589
- Email to office@www.lakeland521.ca
How is my monthly payment calculated?
Your monthly installment is calculated by dividing your most recent annual tax levy by 12 to determine the monthly amount. Your levy from the previous year is used as an estimate, divided into twelve. When the tax levy is calculated for the current year, any changes to the balance owing are factored in to the remaining payments.
When you receive your annual tax bill, your installments will be adjusted to reflect the actual tax levy. This ensures your account will be paid in full by year end.
Prepayment discounts and surcharges do not apply to those participating in the PAD program.
Estimated Tax Levy in December (based on previous year) |
$ | 1200.00 |
January to June payments: ($1200.00 / 12 months) |
$ | 100.00 |
Current Year’s Tax Levy: | $ | 1298.50 |
Less payments made (Jan-Jun): | $ | -600.00 |
Remaining Balance Owing | $ | 698.50 |
July to December payments: | $ | 116.42 |
($698.50 / 6 months) |
Common Questions:
When Can I Apply?
You can participate in PAD if your application is received either prior to December 10th in the case of January 1st implementation or by the 10th of the month prior to your first payment up to April 10th of the taxation year.
If your application is received in the current taxation year the equivalent of the missed monthly payments must be made at the time of application.
What if my Payment is Rejected?
If a payment is returned for insufficient funds, closed account, frozen funds, etc. the customer will be a charged a returned item charge. If they have more than one property, they will be charged the returned item charge and a subsequent lesser charge for each additional property. Payments must be repaid within two weeks in order to remain on the program.
If any payments are missed, the District of Lakeland has the option to cancel the agreement and request payment of the total outstanding taxes.
How do I withdraw from the plan?
All withdraw requests must be received at least TWO (2) WEEKS prior to the next payment date. You may withdraw for any reason, including the sale of your property, by filling out the cancellation form.
What if I change bank accounts?
Please inform the office at least two weeks prior to the next payment date. You will be required to fill out the prescribed change form and provide another VOID cheque or direct deposit form.
What if my Mortgage Holder Pays my Taxes?
If your mortgage company currently pays your taxes, but you would like to start paying them through our PAD program you must do the following steps:
- Contact your mortgage company and have your tax account terminated in their system and stop the collection of your taxes.
- Inform the Taxation Department of this change and proceed with the PAD application.
Sometimes the mortgage company pre-pays taxes on the client’s behalf so it is important to communicate with the Tax Department if you are wanting to pay the taxes yourself.