Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS
Lakeland Rec Board
Emma & Christopher Lakes Assoc (ECLA)
CPL Recreation
Stay up to date on what’s happening….. Follow our CPL Recreation Facebook page!
The CPL Partnership: CPL is a partnership of four communities: the Village of Paddockwood, the Village of Christopher Lake, the District of Lakeland, and the Rural Municipality of Paddockwood. The partnership is a collaborative regional model for the provision of sport, culture opportunities, and recreation experiences.
Vision: A region engaged in diverse sport, culture and recreation experiences, accessed by all.
Mission Statement: CPL facilitates supportive environments for sport, culture and recreation opportunities that enhance quality of life.
- Access to sport, culture, and recreation in our communities
- Inclusive programming opportunities for all
- The support of the collective communities/partnership of CPL
- Our staff (Recreation Director, program leaders, municipal support)
- The capacity and engagement of our volunteers
- The uniqueness of each community in CPL
- Our natural environment
- Our built environments
- Transparent and accountable operations
- Effective communication
Carmen Dogniez, Interim Recreation Director
Email: cplrecreationsk@gmail.com
Etransfer Payments: cplrec@sasktel.net
Cell: 306.981.3372
Fax 306.982.2589
Mailing Address: CPL Recreation, Box 27, Christopher Lake S0J 0N0
Follow us on Facebook CPL Recreation – Stay up to date on What’s Happening
Committee Members:
Cheryl Bauer Hyde (Chair) | 306.961.2967 | cbauerhyde@gmail.com |
Mary Sawchuk | 306.982.8282 | div.4@www.lakeland521.ca |
Louise Corriveau RM of Paddockwood |
306.989.4504 | corrivl@sasktel.net |
Katie McLennan RM of Paddockwood |
306.314.2970 | katieemclennan@gmail.com |
Chuck Mason Village of Christopher Lake |
chumas693@msn.com | |
Diane McLeod Village of Paddockwood |
mcleod_oberg@hotmail.com | |
Brandy Smart Member at Large |
306.981.4661 | bsmartnorth@gmail.com |