Summer Employment Opportunity

The District of Lakeland #521 is accepting resumes from youth for summer employment opportunities. 3 of the positions will start in early May and 2 positions will start the last week of June. Applicants must have a class 5 driver’s license and be willing to work...

Looking to Stay Out of the Office?

Update: Our office is currently CLOSED until further notice. Staff will be in the office during our regular hours, and we can still be contacted by phone at 306-982-2010 and by email to If your business with us cannot be conducted over the...

December 2019 Update

As noted in previous updates, the meeting agenda and supporting documents are posted under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab on the website – Reports, Discussion and Actions: Administration’s report included the Action / Motion item list, Building...

April & May 2019 Update

This update will cover both the April and May Council meetings.  The meeting agendas with supporting documents, if applicable, are posted on the website under the Council (Meeting Agendas) tab.  For additional information and to view reports and documents, please...