Firesmart in 2020

The Lakeland area is special because of its remaining wilderness – to live amid this forest, alongside its wildlife, is a privilege. But being in these woods comes with an inherent risk of wildfire. Anyone who spent time in the area during the summer of 2015...

ATV Licencing FAQ

The District of Lakeland and Great Blue Heron Provincial Park are now licencing ATVs. This licencing system includes only vehicles identified under The All Terrain Vehicles Act as ATV’s including restricted use motorcycles, mini-bikes, all terrain cycles. Please refer...

District of Lakeland Election 2020

General elections are held for each office every four years. Each council member holds office for a four-year term. The District of Lakeland holds to the Resort Village election scheme. Saturday, July 25th – ELECTION DAY 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Terms of Office...

Looking to Stay Out of the Office?

Update: Our office is currently CLOSED until further notice. Staff will be in the office during our regular hours, and we can still be contacted by phone at 306-982-2010 and by email to If your business with us cannot be conducted over the...