July 4, 2015

Good Morning my name is Al Christensen and I would like to welcome you to our annual information meeting. First of all I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to the late Ralph Hudson. Ralph passed away in June of this year after suffering health issues for some...

May 2015

This week you will have received an envelope from the District that contained a revision to our Zoning Bylaw. Please take time to review this material, as this will be our bible as far as new developments are concerned for quite some time. Council has given this bylaw...

April 2015

We managed to get away for the worst of the weather this winter. It was our first trip to the town of Osoyoos, and it won’t be our last. Of course the whole province of British Columbia had a very mild winter and we were the beneficiaries of same. In March we have...

December 31, 2014

First of all, I would like to wish all readers of this blog a very Merry Christmas and best wishes in 2015. In my blog of April 28th, I informed you that we had accepted a tender from Bullee Consulting Ltd. to conduct an infrastructure study. We have had meetings with...

September 2014

I must apologize for the lack of postings this summer. My summer has been very hectic and when the good weather finally came in mid-July, it was important to absorb every minute. First of all, I would like to thank Deputy Reeve Bauer Hyde for chairing the July...

Winter (April 28), 2014

I drove to Christopher Lake this morning for a meeting with the RCMP to discuss the 2014 Performance Plans as they relate to our district. There was at least four inches of snow/slush on highway 2, and the forecast is for more tonight. To put things in perspective, we...