July 2017

To begin, the District is celebrating it’s 40th anniversary. In honour of the occasion and as an informal open house for our recently constructed municipal shop, the District will host a bbq on Friday, July 28, from 3 – 6pm at the District shop located just off...

June 2017

– Waskesiu Wilderness Region representative, Terry Dow, director of sales and marketing and the 2017 Waskawanderer, Brenden Maisonneuve, provided an overview of the 2016 year, and plans for 2017. They have an awesome new mobile app that provides a lot of great...

May 2017

– Property inspections continues for the clear display of civic addresses. Tickets and warnings have been or will be issued for non-compliance as clear addressing is required for service providers including emergency services. – Representatives of SK...

March/April 2017

– Testing for Forest Tent Caterpillars has taken place over the past couple of months. While indications show that there may be some caterpillars this summer the projected extent of survival over the winter and subsequently the number of caterpillars throughout...

February 2017

Highlights of the Council meeting include: – Bylaw 4-2017 (council procedure) was adopted. – Tenders will be requested for completion of Phase II Environmental Site Assessments for the Anglin Lake, McPhee Lake and Emma Lake landfill sites. – In...

January 2017

Happy New Year, and best wishes for a healthy and happy 2017. As Council meetings will now be held on the second Monday of each month, the January meeting took place on the 9th. Some of the highlights include: – Re-application under the Provincial-Territorial...