by Kim Brons-Hewitt | Oct 5, 2018 | EAC Reports to Council
EAC met on Saturday, August 26th/17 in Council Chambers. All committee members were present. Our Reeve Cheryl Bauer-Hyde was also in attendance. I have contacted the U of S School of Environment and Sustainability to indicate our interest in remaining on the contact...
by Kim Brons-Hewitt | Oct 5, 2018 | EAC Reports to Council
EAC met on Saturday, July 29th/17. We met our newest member Marcia Klein. The new Committee members were also able to meet our Reeve Cheryl Bauer Hyde who also was in attendance. I presented a “Timeline” for future reference. This “Timeline” will be a resource for...
by Kim Brons-Hewitt | Oct 5, 2018 | EAC Reports to Council
In attendance were : Karen Bosker, John Stauffer, Tom Laxdal, Terry Neefs, Karee Davidson, Daryl Jessop & Keith Dahl. Regrets from: Cindy Hanson & Wayne Hyde Cindy Hanson from Anglin Lake has resigned as of July 1 st, 2017. Karee Davidson has been appointed in...
by Kim Brons-Hewitt | Oct 5, 2018 | EAC Reports to Council
EAC met on Saturday, May 27th, 2017 in Council Chambers. Wayne Hyde reported that the North Saskatchewan River Basin Council did a mail out to lake front property owners on their shore line assessments, general program update and an access route to the web site for an...
by Kim Brons-Hewitt | Oct 5, 2018 | EAC Reports to Council
Our present Environmental Advisory Committee is as follows: Karen Bosker (Chair), John Stauffer, Wayne Hyde, Tom Laxdal (Emma Lake), Cindy Hanson (Anglin Lake). We are still trying to recruit representatives from McPhee Lake(2), Anglin Lake(1), Christopher lake (2)....