Serving Emma, Christopher, Anglin & McPhee Lakes, and a portion of the Boreal Forest Region.Business Licence
Planning & Development
Apply for a Business Licence
As per our Business Licence Bylaw, any person or incorporated entity conducting business within the District of Lakeland requires a business licence.
“Business” means any of the following activities whether or not for profit and however organized or formed:
- a commercial, merchandising or industrial activity or undertaking;
- the carrying on of a profession, trade, occupation, calling or employment; or
- an activity providing goods or services.
The District of Lakeland’s business licence has an initial fee of $200 for the remaining calendar year, then a $100 renewal fee for each consecutive year afterward. A Term Licence is available for work taking five consecutive days or less and with a value of less than $5000. Please view the bylaw for more details.
Business Licence New Application
Business Licence Renewal
Contractors, please also view our Development Information page. A development or building permit may be necessary before you start work. Consult the homeowner or our development officer to ensure that the proper permit has been obtained. You can be given permission to get a permit on the owner’s behalf if they fill out a ratepayer authorization form. Working on a project that doesn’t have the proper permits may result in your business licence being revoked.
If you do frequent work here in the District of Lakeland, as well as the R.M. of Paddockwood, Village of Christopher Lake, and Village of Paddockwood, please read about the North Lakes Inter-Municipal Business Licence. It could save you money and paperwork.
Home-Based Businesses
Please read section 4.13 Special Standards and Regulations in our Zoning bylaw regarding what is and isn’t permissible for home-based businesses.
A summary of relevant regulations can be downloaded by clicking here.